I love Listia!! I know for a fact a lot of other people do too! You can get free items on Listia for yourself or other people for Christmas. That's what I'm doing- I'm saving money by getting Christmas gifts on Listia! You can get your bids on there by purchasing them through Listia (I do NOT take this option as I'm trying to stay FREE, but the option is still there), or through posting auctions of your own to earn bids- you earn additional bids if you offer free shipping (limit 2 per day to get pts from). You can also still earn bids by posting no auctions, but to go to other people's auctions and sometimes there's options on their description to Post to Facebook for 10 bids or Post to Twitter for 3 bids, etc. Sometimes they also have a random as your searching for things at the top saying If you post to Facebook you can get 30 bids or some such, maybe it will only be 20, but either way- you have ways to get bids to spend on things other than to spending money to get them! A lot of items are free shipping, but every person has the option of not offering free shipping as you will too! If this sounds like a good site for you-- JOIN HERE AND NOW :)